
Monday, January 31, 2011


    Many of you aren't aware that Jackson's eyesight has been of great concern. He wasn't tracking or making eye contact. Although it was obvious that he could see light, because he always turned to the windows and the lights in the room. A visit to the pediatric opthamologist left Matthew and Jennifer with many unanswered questions. The biggest one, can he see? Tests and follow up appointments were scheduled one month out, which seems like such a long time when you are the ones anticipating it. In the meantime, his eyes were measured for glasses and the MRI was scheduled. The glasses came before the MRI. What a difference they have made!  He is making eye contact, reaching for his toys, and staying fixed on objects much longer. Plus, he  looks darned cute in his glasses.
     The MRI was last Monday and the follow up appointment was last Friday.  This is what we know.  Jackson has what is called optic nerve hypoplasia.  ONH is the most common defect of the optic nerve.  It is the third leading cause of visual impairment in children. It is a generally stable, non-progressive eye condition, and visual impairment ranges from mild to severe. The term hypoplasia means smaller than normal. Optic Nerve Hypoplasia is a congenital condition resulting in the underdevelopment of the optic nerve. ONH will not get worse, but can actually improve in early childhood.  Another condition called septo-optic dysplasia can present itself with OND, with possible brain and endocrine abnormalities. Jackson DOES NOT have this. The MRI ruled it out. VERY THANKFUL!! The opthamologist saw him with his glasses for the first time at Friday's appointment. She was very pleased with his improvement. She did some testing and he was tracking! The glasses are obviously correcting his astigmatism and farsightedness. Yeah Jackson! The first pair of glasses were replaced by new ones that fit closer to his eyes and look more comfortable.
     Jackson will have his surgery on February 10th at Doernbecher to put his intestines back together and he will then forever be rid of the stoma. The doctors will also repair his hernia during this surgery. They anticipate being in the hospital for a few days.
     Thank you friends and family for your continued support. Jeannie (Grammie)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Jackson has glasses

Jackson and his lamb

Oh, hi hand!
So happy!

Very interesting!!

I want to put my thumb in my mouth. I will pretend I am just looking at my hands.

Jackson looking at his book. It is one of the books that has textured pages.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

THE biggest smile

I don't know if I have ever seen a baby smile this big before!
Jackson, you are adorable.

Grandbaby #3 on the way

For those that haven't heard the news, Stacey and Allan are expecting mid August. We are very excited to have our third grandchild. Congratulations Stace and AE!!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Christmas 2010

Jackson and his happy self

Jackson Christmas Eve opening his presents!

Aunt Leah spending time with Jackson

Jackson and Jacob checking each other out!

Funny how they gravitate toward the box the toy came in.
Look who is standing now

Christmas morning in Nashville

We spent Christmas Eve at home with 12 relatives and enough to feed about 50 people. Jackson opened his presents and he received many toys and clothes.  Christmas morning we went over to Matthew and Jennifer's for breakfast and to watch Jen's side open presents. Then we headed to my brother, Bob and Liz' for an afternoon dinner. Leah and Jacob arrived December 30th for 9 days. We had a great time spending time with the little guy. They just left this morning. They are going to K.C. for a few days to see Kirk's family.